Alliance for Dual VET
Swiss-Austrian-German advisory services
Swiss-Austrian-German Expertise for Dual VET
We put our unique expertise and our vast international experience at your disposal.
Together we make dual VET work.
Who we are
Switzerland, Austria and Germany are all well known for highly effective, efficient and innovative VET systems which are aligned to labour-market requirements. Dual training is the core element of our systems, alongside fulltime school-based VET.
As the leading VET institutions in the German-speaking world, the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET), the ibw Austria – Research & Development in VET (ibw) and the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), we operate worldwide to provide our expertise on VET-related topics from the perspectives of trade and industry, policy-making, academic research and pedagogy.

Our approach – Your benefit
Our approach…
- We do not „copy and paste“ – We design our offer to your local context
- Our goal is capacity building in your country to promote sustainability
- We offer a broad range of activities adopted to your needs: From focusing on specific dual VET elements up to the whole dual VET reform process
- We work with you on-site in your country as well as online.
- We provide experience sharing through study visits to Austria, Germany and Switzerland
Your benefit…
Dual VET gives young people perspectives. It is considered as an important reason for low unemployment, high competitiveness and high innovation capacity. Some key elements may serve as references for other countries. Get inspired and get in touch with the Alliance for Dual VET.
« We had a fantastic learning experience with SFUVET. I was impressed by the good cooperation with the industry and the positive learning attitude of the apprentices.»

Hong Kong Institute of
Vocational Education, about
dual VET in Switzerland

«The impact of the activities from the experts of ibw-Austria on our dual vocational education reform process was extremely helpful.»
Head of Centre/Director of Academy,
Chamber of Commerce
and Industry of Serbia
«The German TVET governance system was the best blueprint for the Indonesian TVET reform endeavours.»
Project Lead TVET System Reform «TSR 2.0», Jakarta, Indonesia

What we offer
We, the Alliance for Dual VET, are contributing to the development and modernisation of VET systems across the world. We support VET stakeholders with the analysis of system elements and the shaping of change processes (change management and capacity-building).
Together with national partners, we aim to create a mind-set that enables sustainable changes. Based on contextual needs, we work in a spirit of partnership and act flexibly and sustainably. Together we are the Alliance for Dual VET.

Governance of VET
A VET system aligned with the labour market requires joint governance by the public and private sectors with cooperative forms of financing. It must also be enshrined in law or a vocational education act.
We advise and support our partners on
- enabling dialogue with social partners
- drawing up country-specific, efficient and sustainable forms of financing, including cost-benefit analysis
- establishing public-private partnerships
- establishing and implementing legal foundations (e.g. roles, mandates, assessments)
- establishing and expanding public and private sector institutions in VET and national institutions for VET research
Training of VET staff
In-company trainers are skilled specialists with in-depth occupational experience who have also acquired pedagogical and didactic competencies. School teachers have specific knowledge and up-to-date professional in-company experience. VET staff also include the heads of VET providers (e.g. VET schools, colleges, training centres and training experts (e.g. examiners and trainers of the trainer).
Development of Training Concepts
We advise and support our partners on
- defining the roles of VET staff in companies and schools
- developing process-oriented working concepts for in-company trainers
- developing competence-oriented teaching and learning concepts for schools
- developing training-programmes for VET staff
Piloting and Implementation of Teaching and Learning
- piloting training programmes for in-company trainers
- and teachers at VET schools
- qualifying master trainers as multipliers
- qualifying examiners
- advising/showcasing options for CVET
Competence-oriented standards and curricula in VET
Occupational profiles (job profiles/occupation standards) are the basis for in-company training and education in school. The competences are assessed on the basis of examination standards.
The private sector is the main force behind the definition and implementation of national standards and for alignment with education in school.
We advise and support our partners on developing the methodological approach to establish national standards and relevant curricula.
Taking labour-market needs as a starting point, we advise and support our partners in developing and modernising national or regional standards and curricula in VET (initial training (IVET) and continuing education occupations (CVET)) and higher VET programmes (higher VET: Bachelor Professional, Master Professional).
Particular emphasis is placed on the piloting, implementation and evaluation of standards and curricula.
Work-based learning (WBL)
WBL is the backbone of dual VET: competences are developed in real-work situations in companies while the theoretical foundations are laid in the vocational school. The challenge is establishing links between these two learning venues.
- the work process-oriented concept for the company
- as a learning venue
- the competence-oriented teaching and learning concept for the school as a learning venue
- the situation-based didactics model (situated VET) in initial training and continuing education programmes
- (digital) tools for companies and schools (e.g. training portals, web portals for apprenticeship training, networking platforms for company-based and school-based training staff and students, aptitude procedures for the selection of trainees, learning documentation for apprentices, implementation guides, training plans)
- practical examples of implementation (e.g. from projects
and multilateral cooperation agreements) - concept for coordination and collaboration between learning venues (including support with the implementation and evaluation of cooperation between learning venues)
Institutionalised VET research
VET research and development contributes to evidencebased and innovative VET policy and in-company practices.
As Alliance for Dual VET, we
- provide networking opportunities on current VET research
- topics in Switzerland, Austria and Germany (e.g. labour market and qualification research, quality monitoring and quality development)
- support innovative development of pedagogical, didactical
and socially inclusive approaches - design surveys (e.g. on the needs for transversal, digital and green competencies)
- evaluate activities and projects of the partners
- present (research) models for cost-benefit studies in VET and support their implementation
- support the development of a national VET monitoring system (data report) that enables key stakeholders to make well-founded, sustainable VET policy decisions.
Making dual VET work
Alliance for Dual VET
Swiss-Austrian-German Expertise
Dual VET adopts a holistic learning approach that leads to
low youth unemployment
a high degree of employability
labour-market-oriented skills high
innovation capacity
How to proceed…
Contact us:
Alliance for Dual VET
Starting with an Online Session
(Identify needs, project options and goals)
Project outline
Project offer (content, timeline, budget) /
planning workshop on-site